fdic digital sign

Fee Schedule

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Effective 12/9/2024

Dormant Account Fee (Monthly fee after 2 years of no customer initiated activity)$5.00
Insufficient Funds (per paid item)$30.00
Insufficient Funds (per returned item, each time an item is presented/re-presented)$30.00
Overdraft Transfer Fee - Automatic transfer from checking or saving to cover overdraft items (per transfer)$3.00
Cancelled Check Copy (per item)$5.00
Duplicate Statement$5.00
Paper Statement Fee$3.00
Paper Statement Fee with check images$10.00
Account Closed within 90 days of opening$20.00
Check PrintingVaries by Style
Excessive Transaction Fee- Per Month
(Savings and Money Market Accounts Only)
Cashier’s Check*$4.00
Transactions at In-Network ATMsFREE
Transactions at out-of -Networks ATMsFREE
Bill Pay Fee (If enrolled in Bill Pay but did not make at least 1 Bill Pay payment in the previous month the charge is $4.95 per month)Free with usage
Debit Card Replacement$15.00
Stop Payment ($15.00 if initiated through on-line banking)$25.00
Wire Transfer (Incoming)$20.00
Wire Transfer (Outgoing Domestic)$25.00
Wire Transfer (Outgoing International)$40.00
Foreign Check – Canada$20.00
Foreign Check – Other Countries$40.00-$100.00
Returned Deposited Item$10.00
Research (per hour, ½ hour minimum)$20.00
Escheatment Fee$30.00
Legal Processing (Levy, Garnishment, etc.)$75.00
IRA Annual Fee$25.00
IRA Transfer fee (to another financial institution)$25.00

*First check FREE per day

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